If the Employer intends to make any material change to his financial arrangements, the Employer shall give notice to the Contractor with detailed particulars. 如果雇主欲对其资金安排做出任何实质性变更,雇主应向承包商发出通知并提供详细资料。
The senior veterinary officer in every instance shall report promptly to the director, from time to time, all ascertainable material Particulars Concerning animals or birds placed in segregation and the orders given by him with regard thereto. 在每种情况下,高级兽医官均须不时迅速地就所有关于被分隔的动物或禽鸟的可确定的要项,以及其就该等动物或禽鸟所作出的命令,向处长报告。